Search Results
SMTCoq: Safe and Efficient Automation in Coq
GReTA-ExACT session #1: "SMTCoq: the power of SMT solving in Coq"
Chantal Keller: SMTCoq: Coq Automation and its Application to Formal Mathematics
"SMTCoq: A plug-in for integrating SMT solvers into Coq" Alain Mebsout | CAV 2017
[POPL 2021] CoqPL: Record Updates in Coq
[POPL 2021] CoqPL: Automated Synthesis of Verified Firewalls
[POPL 2021] CoqPL: An experience report on writing usable DSLs in Coq
Verified Programming of Turing Machines in Coq
"Automated Resource Analysis with Coq Proof Objects" Quentin Carbonneaux | CAV 2017
Verifying Concurrent Go Code in Coq with Goose
Equations Reloaded - High Level Dependently-Typed Functional Programming and Proving in Coq
Software Foundations in Coq — Steve Zdancewic 1.1